Monday, February 28, 2011

Don't be mad! Get GLAD!...

About time for that post-infusion update.  Ladies and gentlemen: no crazy explody reaction!  Woohoo!  I didn't really think there would be, but it was nice that it didn't happen just the same.  Fri night was awful.  Still no idea why.  Pain was worst its been in probably nearly a year. Poor L had to see me like that.  Still feel rotten about it.  But God bless him he stuck by me.  He gained many points not only for keeping me company at the hospital and being my ride to/from but for seeing me in some of my worst pain in a long while and holding me and telling me everything was going to be alright even though he didn't really know that and neither of us knew when.  I'm a very lucky girl indeed.

Only outstanding whine right now is a crick in my neck that's been bugging me since last Thurs.  Totally just slept wrong.  Bonus is that tonight I got a massage.  Down side is I didn't really have any money to set aside for it.  Up side is that it wasn't horrible at $49 for it being a first time visit for a whole hour and Megan, the massage chick of AWESOME!, worked her magic on me and though it's not entirely resolved, it sure is a heck of a lot better.  Along with the other shoulder and 3/4 of my back.  Having her focus really on that crick didn't leave a lot of time for massaging much of anywhere else.  Still incredibly worth it, though.  Left her a $20 tip I also didn't have.  But the lady was awesome.  Oh, and she likes Spaceballs and we swapped a lot of quotes.  A GEEK masseuse no less!!  :-D  They have a membership thing where it's $49/month gets you an hour long massage and then any massage after that's $45 for the rest of the month.  So want to look into this when the $$ fairy comes around some day.  Would so help with the UCTD aches and pains that come up now and then.  Totally impressed with this place.  Believe the name is RR Health and Wellness Center.  They're located across from the post office on Double Creek at Gattis School Rd.  So going to give them a great write-up on YELP tomorrow :-D

Think that brings us to present.  My bone scan apparently didn't show anything of interest aside from my knee as the doc never called me back and I asked nurse J about it when I was in for the infusion Fri and she said she'd ask him about it and he'd call me if there was anything.  Considering how long its been since it happened, I'm guessing there's nothing to discuss.  Have "official" appt with him on the date of my next infusion, 3/11, and maybe he'll be more chatty then.  Actually didn't see him at all last Fri.  Guess now that I'm a veteran of the infusion I don't rate an in person visit while I'm sleeping off the bendryl ;-)

Anyways, world keeps on spinning and I try to keep my balance.  I continue to be blessed with amazingly supportive friends and family who totally make it worth getting up every morning to a new day even if there is pain.  Thanks for continuing to be awesome, folks.  Much love to all of you.

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