Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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Called rheumatology's nurse lady of awesome this morning J to let her know I had a feeling nurse lady from dermatology likely didn't add the note I asked her to yesterday about the plague leg thing still going on and she told me that she actually had a note from Dr P this morning to schedule me for a follow-up this week.  How convenient.  Dr's appt is now for 8:20am thurs morning.  Rumor is that the biopsy continues to find nothing, which is good.  Down side is apparently it also hasn't determined my flavor of CTD on a more official level than yesterday.  ... Really really really wish they hadn't told me that this test would be the end all be all in determining the flavor.  Why tell someone that if it isn't true.  I knew I shouldn't have held out hope that it would tell us anything but I did on some level and now it hurts.  A lot.

Guess I'll be paying them my 30 bucks co-pay Thurs to tell me they still don't know anything and that we're right where we were this time last week except I'm -$178 and a chunk of kidney.

Faith is shaky at best this morning.

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