Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sshhh...I know it's only in my head...

Hhhmmm... things to report.  Got another medical bill in last night.  $14 and change brought down to $11 and change things to CPL's website doing 20% off when you pay in full.  Went ahead and paid it.  Might as well.  New roommie successfully moved in in case I hadn't mentioned that already.  Things currently look optimistic for the finances.  Appear to have had an infection of a flavor I'm not going to disclose prior to getting my Rituxan infusion I confirmed yesterday.  On antibiotics as of yesterday and will finish them Sat.  This puts me having my 7 days after finishing them on Fri, 3/11; date of my next infusion.  I called and was very upfront and honest with the infusion folks letting them know what was going on begged to not have to reschedule.  Nice new infusion lady, C, talked to doc and called me back and said that as that Fri's day 7 we could still go forward with the infusion as long as I wasn't having any more symptoms.  Shiny.  I'll make sure I don't :-)

Realized since the infusion that my crunchy knee thankfully isn't hurting anymore.  Can walk on it just fine with no issues.  Doesn't mean I still don't need to get it checked out at some point, but it does mean I can wait until the finances are a bit better.  Pretty happy overall with this infusion.  No reaction this time.  Aside from crazy pain Fri night and the pain from the ookie crick in my neck since Thurs really not a lot of other pain to report.  Well, I lie.  Last night I was hurting.  Think it's still collateral damage from the neck thing, though.  My hands were hurting a bit but the neck meets body area and just below were giving me fits.  Fixed that right up with the hand warmers C got me and nuked them in the microwave and then leaned against them on the couch and sure enough, felt MUCH better by bed.  Slept really well last night too which helped a lot.  Still sleepy today, but that's how things go.

Slightly worried about finances only because I don't know what my bonus is going to be yet.  Reviews don't happen for another couple weeks and payout doesn't happen until 4/1 check.  I've used a very large chunk of the money I got from H&R Blockhead that I still owe the IRS to pay off other things.  It's been things that need paying off and also provided grocery money and gas money for the last month.  But I need to know in writing my bonus is going to let me pay it all back.  If not, I'll be contacting the IRS to come up with a payment plan.  Not really stressing too much about it, but one of those outstanding things it'd be nice to put behind me.

Oh! Almost forgot.  Was going to mention that thanks to the VERY AWESOME donations of more than a few folks I was able not only to get cruise booked but cruise is paid for too.  So no matter what, I'm at least going to be able to get on the boat with my friends in May.  MANY THANKS TO ALL THOSE THAT MADE THIS POSSIBLE!!  YOU ROCK!!!  Don't think I'll do any shore excursions this time but will at least visit two out of three of the ports and pick up a little something at each.  Just wish we could find a way to get L on board but right now prospects look pretty bleak.  We'll see.  Still some time left.

Put in for time off in August for PAX.  L really wants to go and me to go with him.  Would be our first vacation together and as it's a gaming con, should prove to be a lot of fun.  If we can score flight cheap, I think the plan is to stay with some of his friends/fam while we're there and leave a day early so that we can be all touristy and then come back the Mon after so that there's no rush.  Right now I still have the time off barring any unforeseen health stuffs.  Would REALLY love to use my vacation time this year for actual vacation instead of doc's stuff so here's hoping it turns out this way.  Two vacations in one year really does sound awesome.

Overall, things go well.  Nice to be able to say that.  Still trucking along and trying to make the most out of every day.  I'm happy.  Been a long time since I could say I've genuinely felt that.  I truly hope it lasts.

*huggles to the awesome folks keeping up with this and always providing encouragement and nice thoughts and prayers*

love you people.

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