Thursday, January 27, 2011

I know better... cause you said forever... and ever... who knew...

All it takes in one abnormal blood test result to turn the world upside down.

Patient: RANDI S
Note: All result statuses are Final unless otherwise noted.
Patient Note: What is Draw Time for Baseline?  ?

! ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE [H]  179 U/L       38-126
! ALKALINE PHOS, BONE  [H]  64 U/L        0-55
  ALKALINE PHOS, LIVER [H]  115 U/L       0-94

    TEST INFORMATION: Alk-Phosphatase Liver Calc
Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase (0070053) and
5'-nucleotidase (0080235) may be useful in identifying
disorders of bone and liver, respectively.

So Monday I went in for blood work.  Everything in the email I got Tues morning said that things were shiny. Tues afternoon I got a call from nurse J who said one of the tests did not come back shiny in regard to some levels coming up high in regards to alkaline something or other with liver and bone stuff.  They had me come back in Tues to make sure it wasn't a fluke.  Results got back in this morning saying not fluke.  Did some searching about this test and it says that you're supposed to be fasting when you take it.  Ok.  Told J I hadn't been and didn't know I was supposed to so would really like a third chance at this thing cause I really need it to be a fluke.  Went back for round 3 with the vampires this morning.  Should have results in late tonight or they're hoping tomorrow since I got it drawn around 11.

If sh*t comes back futzed again, then we're off to another specialist.  Another $50.  Likely more medications.  So more $$.  And if whatever they have me take isn't in generic, who knows how much I'll have to be paying out for it.  And deductible still hasn't been touched yet.  So add all that on to my $3500 or so assessment for what I'll be paying out at minimum for just the 4 infusions this year not including the  follow-up appts with Dr P and then this probably new doc for the liver/bone stuff plus the regular unleaded appts like derm and obgyn.  all $50/pop.  Then still gotta pay off all that debt still out there from R which got worse last fall.  I really am drowning at this point.  God's seen me through this far.  I'm not losing faith.  But faith sadly doesn't keep ones head above water and the strength to keep swimming is starting to wane.  Belle, my old SUV I sold to my dad, has had the timing chain go out on it.  Dad had to pay $250 just to have her towed and then doesn't know how much it will cost to fix her.  It's the only car he and Laura have and he's the only income and he has to get to work and she has to get to school.  I'm guessing he won't be able to keep paying in towards paying me off what I sold the car to him for for awhile.  Took that out of budget.  I never budget for food and gas as food is relative and gas I'll find a way to get no matter what.  I also never budget for medications or doc's visits.  I can't.  All money has to go towards paying off the debt.  All of it.  I've never made a late payment in my life that I had control over and I'm not going to start now.

Getting taxes done on Mon.  Though the house was left to R in the divorce my name was still on the mortgage when it sold thus I have to report it on my taxes.  Going to try and see if my out of pocket medical stuff can be added to this years return and maybe I'll get something back for that.  Took two exemptions out last year, though, so I'm honestly just hoping to break even.  H&R Blockhead messed up on my 2009 taxes when I should have paid out to the IRS the $3750 I owed for moving out of the house we took the loan from the IRS for when R and I bought it as in 2009 it no longer became my primary residence.  I didn't pay it at that time cause taxes guy and I argued about whether or not I owed; I said I did and he said I didn't yet.  Well, turns out I did.  Good news is that I paid them the extra $30 CYA for if they frak up they will pay up to $5500 to the IRS for their mess up.  So it's covered.  The request for it has been put in.  Now just waiting for the check.  So, if I get anything back from the IRS they'll eat it up towards the $3750 (already sent my 1040X so they should have it by now) so no immediate refund.  Once they gobble that up, whenever I get the check from H&R Blockhead I'll pay off the rest of what I owe and if there was anything I was supposed to get back this year that'll be what's left out of the check.  If I owe this year...... well, we'll cross that financial chasm when we get there.

This was the year I was going to be 90% out of debt.  Really need to stop getting my hopes up.  I'd thought getting a roommate was going to fix all this but instead of lightening the burden inevitably something had to have happened to make it that much worse.  I realize we're told God won't give us more than we're able to carry, but Lord.... please don't lay any more on me.  It hurts enough already.

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