Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two roads diverged in a wood....

Just posted on fb about this being about-ish the anniversary of when the first symptoms of UCTD started for me.  Though limited to a short 420 characters, it was a hard post to make.  Even harder to share with that many people since I created this blog to try and not bother the rest of the world with the ongoings of my condition.  It's been a very rough long pain and tear filled road and sometimes it hoovers much to know that there's still a lot more road yet to travel.

Good thing for me is I have amazing family and friends who have been so incredibly supportive of me and the decisions I've made for myself during this time that I know I never could have made it this far without them and God has truly blessed me to have some amazingly wonderful people in my life.

I strive hard not to dwell on the past and continue to promise to try and keep looking towards the future.  The things I go through, even if they seem big to me, are still so incredibly minor to some of the conditions I have friends going through.  None of us have a cure, but at least with mine the good drugs should keep it at bay (if I get them often enough) for years to come as long as I take care of myself.  Not everyone else is that lucky and I pray for them daily that God will ease their pain and heal them so that they may continue on to another shiny tomorrow in this world.

What is lost can never be found again.  What's passed into history and legend can rarely be conjured up to relive glory days.  I know I must look to the future and just keep supporting those I love as best I can and thanking God for how blessed I am to have that returned to me over the years.

I know together we can conquer anything no matter which path we choose.

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