Friday, June 25, 2010

Some random early morning bits-o-info

Got a call today (well, yesterday at this point) from Dr N's nurse who told me that the bloodwork came back and though the B-12 is showing within the normal range, apparently it's juuuuuuust barely in normal and the barely is on the low side.  Doc prescribed having me take 1mg of B-12 once a day.  Guess we'll see where this gets me.  He believes it should help.  I don't even know what a B-12 does.  Think I'll put that on the list of things to look up later today.  Nurse also told me that Dr N talked with Dr S in allergy who as expected, wants me to pay $30 to come in and talk about alt options for helping with allergies that doesn't involve the zyrtek-d.  Politely told the nurse I'd call Dr S's nurse and tell them I can't afford to come in to talk and would like to see what the options are over the phone or I'll just keep on trucking with the zyrtek-d.  Adding them to the list of folks to call today.

Still no word back from Aetna.  No call by lunch and I'll give them a buzz and see if I can get the 411.  OH!!  Heard back about the chest x-ray.  No alien much to my disappointment, but as it's clear insurance has cleared me for the Rituxan.  Only thing I'll have to pay out is another $30/visit as if I was seeing the specialist.  Could be muuuuuuuuuch worse.  Supposed to get a call from the infusion nurse to set up my first round; going to delay setting a date till I know I'll have the intermittent leave to cover my appts/tests/whatever for the rest of the year.  If it gets rejected, all this gets delayed will Jan when time resets.  Still pretty stressy about having TONS of time off beginning of May before my cruise and now only having a few days total between PBA and vacation :-(

Green Sorsha needs full paychecks badly!

Good news is a wonderful lady, K, helped me with my resume today and I might be putting in for a project team type job if my luck holds in the next couple of weeks.  Even broke it to bossman of awesome today that there was a chance of my looking elsewhere and though he was bummed at the prospect of losing me, he was also super excited about my getting to move on to greater things and even offered to go through some mock interviewing with.  In case I haven't mentioned how awesome my boss in recently, he's pretty darn spiffy and goodness am I lucky to have him.

Though my time may be short and it may be the one thing that kept me from getting the Exceptional rating the last two years on my reviews, hopefully new future bossfolk will see past that.  Yes, the health gods aren't currently with me.  However, they should be soon.  HOPING that after the follow-up appt after the second infusion of this first round of Rituxan follow-up appts with Dr P should be MONTHS in between; I'm hoping one more in the fall and then another when we hit the 6 months in Jan.  Means the only other appts left are the crud neurology wants me to get done and a follow-up appt with them.  Then.......... *knocks on self* may it will be quiet.

Here's hoping.  Needing to be oober shiny come Aug/Sept for more than a few reasons/people.

*checks time*  Yup.  Just about 2am.  Alarm goes off at 6.  May be Fri, but gots stuffs to do.  Poor lab is in a state of chaos that's likely going to take the whole frakin' day to pull out of.  Once done, though, should be shiny.  At least till I head out for more software testing or if I'm lucky, to help head up some of it with the other project team folks.  *crosses fingers*  Even if there's a pay bump, that part's really not that important to me.  Will be nice to get into a role where I really feel I can contribute.  Any extra pay is just icing that lets me pay down the leftover R debt faster and get back to getting back to college.  Points.. for... effort....


Sleep well folks.  Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!!!

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