Thursday, February 24, 2011


Hanging out over at Kristin and Cody's and the munchkins with Larry chilling.  Everyone's doing something different.  Three are plugged into computers and one into RockBand with a ginormous keyboard.  Good times :-)  We may not be making contact with eachother, but the company is incredibly awesome.  Love Thurs night "game" night over here.  Even with interwebs being installed this weekend compliments of new roommate come Sat, still going to come over Thurs and play :-D

Tomorrow's first of two Rituxan infusions.  Have to be there at 7am.  Plan on staying up late tonight so that I can make sure to sleep through as much of it as possible.  L is going to get up early and take me in and has offered to stay with me through it.  Awesome offer.  Thing is, I really will be sleeping through at least 4 hours of it so seems silly for him to stay there watching me and a room full of other people sleep.  Will see if I can disuade him and hopefully send him off for more fun things to do but if not, will be nice waking up from my drug induced sleep to see a friendly face I love *smiles*

Just like last July, this infusion is going to make things better.  Has to.  Giving it no choice.  And hopefully doc will tell me how all the bone scan stuff turned out since he didn't call me back this week ;-)  Yay good times.  Please Lord let me not have any reaction tomorrow to the good drugs.  They help so much with the pain.


  1. Don't try to disuade the L. Knowing him, it won't work anyway. Besides, hospital vigils are what laptops and android phone apps are for :)
    Will keep praying that the good drugs do what they're supposed to and nothing they aren't supposed to.


  2. *hugs* Thanks girl. And I'll give him one more out in the morning and if he doesn't take it he gets to keep me warm in a large overstuffed recliner for 8 hours ;-)
